Speak For Life
Mobilizing generations of Pro-Life advocates to boldly speak for life!
Support Our Goals
"Where peripherals collide; convergence is imminent." ~ Evangelist Alveda King
Note from our Founder
For over half of my life, I have been committed to speaking for life - from the womb to the tomb. We live in a nation where millions of unborn babies have been legally aborted - causing generations of children to never have the chance to live! I believe that the Civil Rights imperative of our day is the Right to Live! At 70 years old, I have chosen to recommit myself to speaking for life and mobilizing an army of pro-life advocates that will boldly stand for the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb!
Dr. Alveda C. King

3 Pillars Of Our Work
Education, Enlightenment, Enlarging and Empowerment in order to reach our community.
Student Outreach,
SFL is developing small group curriculum for students K-12 in order to help build Biblical worldview of the sanctity of life. When students view life as Jesus views life, they will be motivated to Speak for Life!
Dr. King will continue to travel the nation speaking for life on college campuses, at churches, and Pregnancy Resource Centers. As a FoxNews Contributor, Dr. King addresses all issues through the worldview of the sanctity of life and human dignity for all!
Leadership Development.
It is time for an army of pro-life advocate to boldly speak for the sanctity of life - from the womb to the tomb. The SFL team will be hosting training events throughout the year to mobilize and resource new pro-life leaders!
Our Contact
We are here for you from the womb to the tomb